Friday, January 27, 2012

At The Root of the Tennesse Madness

A couple things really bother me here.  First of all, how is it possible that one person as completely ignorant and out of step with the real world could be elected into a political position!?  Every single thing Stacey Campfield breathes about the LGBT community would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that it's damaging so many lives.

Rep. Campfield is the author of the "Don't Say Gay" bill, the bill that doesn't even allow for the recognition of the word gay.  His logic and reasoning behind that predates Anita Bryant.  It might even predate the neanderthals.  Certainly, it's not in step with 2012 and the real world.  He's clinging feverishly to an old, outmoded myth about homosexuality.  Now, it's fine if he has those views and strongly believe in them.  That's his choice and, under our Constitution, he has that right.  The line, though, needs to be drawn decisively at the front door of his home.  As a politician, as a human being, and as an adult, he should not be allowed to let his bias, his archaic views of reality influence and harm other people.  In this case, particularly, the lives of young LGBT people are in the balance.  Tennessee has had two gay-teen suicides within the last 2 months.  How many more lives must be lost before Stacey Campfield is put in check?  Don't lose track of the fact that it was also Stacey Campfield who authored the bill that allows for the bullying of LGBT youth as long as it's done for "...religious, political, or philosophical reasons."  Your son gets bashed in the face at school.  The attacker yells "Praise the Lord", goes to the office and collects his get-out-of-jail-free card. 

Mr. Campfield is a bonafide threat to the well-being of every LGBT person in the state of Tennessee.  From his "Don't Say Gay" policy to his policy of allowing realtors and businesses to discriminate against members of the LGBT community, Stacey Campfield is truly a danger to the community.

His latest diatribe, though, was at least humorous.  He enlightened the world with his revelation that AIDS is an exclusively gay disease.  According to Stacey Campfield, it is "virtually impossible" to contract AIDS through "normal", heterosexual sex.  Again, the question:  "how on EARTH was this man elected!?"  I'm not even going to comment on just how insane that series of statements are.  You can read it for yourself.  It's great humor.  Well, not really.  It's actually rather scary.  Never forget that this man is in a position of power.  He's a shot-caller.  And, he's amazingly ignorant.  Bad combination.

Returning to my "power in numbers" mantra, if you haven't signed any of the three petitions calling for changes in the Tennessee laws, here there are again:
Our army is growing by leaps and bounds daily.  Now, we need to put those numbers to work.  Talking about change is one thing; being proactive in helping to bring about that change is a whole different animal.

    1 comment:

    1. When a person is elected to office, they are elected to represent everyone in their district or state or county. They are not elected to represent only the people they like. If this is how a politician is going to behave then we need to take action. It's time for the LGBTQ Community to take a stance, vote these types of people out and petition for a recall to remove them from office. We need a RAINBOW Coialiation that works. Our Government needs to take a lesson from Egypt.
