Friday, December 23, 2011

Maryland Jury Rules in Favor of School!!!

It's a known fact, for those who pay attention to these kinds of things, that when it comes to court cases, it doesn't matter what the facts are.  What matters is what can be proven.  A jury in Maryland ruled in favor of the school and school administrators in a high-profile bullying case of a 10-year-old special needs student.  In so doing, they cited that there wasn't enough evidence to support the claims of negligence on the administrators' parts.  Shame.  Shame.  Shame.

So, what's the lesson learned in this case?  Most importantly is that it really doesn't matter what the facts are, only what can be proven. (just ask O.J. Simpson.  I'm sure he'd agree.)  So, with that said, know that if you're ever faced with a similar situation, document EVERYTHING!  Take pictures.  Take videos, if possible.  Write, and sign, notes!  Keep a log of all phone calls.  Keep a log of the responses you get during these phone calls.  Leave no stone unturned. See, Ed and Shawna Sullivan didn't do this.  They didn't understand the significance of having solid proof.  They didn't understand the ramifications of NOT doing so.  They thought their word would be enough.  They were wrong.  And, now, because they didn't know, they will have the task of telling their 10-year-old son that the school administrators got away with not protecting him better.  He won't understand.  He's 10.

In a sense, the 10-year-old boy got bullied again yesterday by the legal system. Or, was he victimized by parents who didn't understand how the system works. As a 10-year-old, what he understands most is that he, and they, lost.

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