Wednesday, January 11, 2012

From Lemons to the Sweetest Lemonade

I am an administrator on one of the facebook pages set up in honor of Jamie Hubley.  It's an outstanding community of loving, sharing, and caring.  In that community, I've met people who are now very dear to me, people I consider true friends, and people who are more of my family than any of the posers who share my same blood.  Also in that community are many of Jamie's family members and friends.  I guess that's what makes it so special. 

One of the people in that group is Steph.  Steph and Jamie were friends for 10 years before his October suicide.  Steph is a breath of fresh air.  Being a normal teen, she's gone through everything that most teens go through, including the bullying.  And, she's stronger because of it.  So strong, in fact, she's begun doing motivational speaking in her area to other teens. 

Her story is one that will resonate with other young people.  I know it will because tonight, for the first time, Steph shared her story with us.  See, she was getting picked on because of who she is and where she is in life.  Her head sticks just a bit above the crowd.  You know what happens next.  True to form, the verbal tomatoes began to fly.  Rather than wilt under the weight of their criticisms, Steph opted to respond.  She did more than respond.  She knocked the wind straight out of their sails.

Inside "the Jamie community", which is what it's called by many, we get a lot of people who are hurting, in one way or another.  Sometimes, it gets really intense as we do have young people within the community who sometimes feel there's no other way out.  The word is out, though, that this is definitely a go-to spot for people who are in need, young and not-so-young.  There's never, ever a shortage of people who are there ready to give a listen and help out to the best of their ability.  Never.  And, there's Steph.  She is always one of the ones who are right there in the thick of it all when things intensify.  She's truly a remarkable girl, and she's changing lives.

Life dealt her a lot of lemons from a very early age.  With them, she's made some of the sweetest lemonade you'll find anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Bless your heart Ron, there are a lot of people who could care less, what happens to there own Mother, But, then there are a lot of people who care a great deal, and express themselves, as you have just done here, on facebook, one of the best ways, in todays modern world, to get a message out to the rest of us... Thank you, and Yes, we should all Love more, and Hate less.. Loving someone else, and being understanding towards someone else, is so much healthier, and far less stressful with all the negative stresses in Our world, we do not need to care-less, but more... Sincerely Yours Don Robinson- Toronto. LOL
