In one high-profile case recently, a spokesman from the local Sheriff's department went on record as saying that despite media and online reports of the teen's suicide being a result of bullying, their "investigation" concluded that "that was not the case". Yet, my own personal contact with someone very close to the family and the situation told me exactly the opposite. And, of course, it was later made know that bullying was, indeed, at the root of the suicide. This wasn't the first instance. In the trailer for the controversial, and very necessary, movie, "Bully", a teacher foolishly goes on camera to say that she'd "ridden on that bus" where a young boy was allegedly bullied and the kids "...were as good as gold". Ultimately, this boy committed suicide because of the bullying.
Sometimes, in some cases of bullying against LGBT teens, the victim is blamed for the bullying!! In the case of one high-profile LGBT teen suicide from a couple years ago, the parents were told that if their son didn't act [gay], he wouldn't get bullied. How is THAT acceptable? That's not "not taking bullying seriously", that's turning a blind eye to what's going on. Worse, that's essentially sanctioning the violence because this boy was simple being himself. The sad end result was him taking matters into his own hands and ending his life.
On my facebook blog page, read comment after comment from real-life people who were bullied, went to the authorities, and nothing was done about it.
That's one of the comments left recently on my facebook blog page. This is but one example. Unfortunately, there are more.
Problem with schools, I'm a senior in high school, and in all my years in middle school (6-8) I was bullied and fighting back each year leading me to get kicked off to a new school each year....kinda sucks how "they who purposely care" really don't.....well until until you're pushed too far."Until you're pushed too far" is 10 steps too late. Bullying needs to be taken seriously, on all levels: not only against LGBT teens, but against anyone who's perceived different, anyone who doesn't "fit in". School officials, elected officials, adults in general!, all need to be re-educated. And, part of that re-education process needs to be making them acutely aware that ignoring the bullying issue doesn't make it away.